What is a Dental Emergency?
Having an unexpected toothache, broken tooth or sporting accident is a really unpleasant experience, as well as being extremely inconvenient! Toothaches can range from sharp shooting pains, to dull throbbing aches which can keep you up at night. Broken teeth can also lead to a toothache, but can sometimes happen without any pain. Broken teeth without pain can be emergencies when they are clearly visible, or are causing cuts and lacerations to your tongue or cheeks.
What should I do if I have a broken tooth?
If you have a broken or chipped tooth, unfortunately there is very little you can do without proper professional care. If the tooth is painful, we would generally advise that you seek professional dental care as soon as you can. If the tooth is not causing any symptoms, you may be able to delay treatment for a short time. However, we still advise you to make time to ensure that this is treated before your tooth’s condition becomes worse.
What should I do if I have a tooth ache?
If you have a toothache, your best chance to resolve your pain is to take any painkillers which you are not allergic to, avoid any activities which aggravate your condition and to seek professional dental care as soon as you can.
What should I do if I have an accident?
If you have an accident where you have knocked out your tooth, or the tooth has been pushed out of position, make sure you attend a dentist as soon as possible to reduce the chance of long term problems. If your tooth has been knocked out, clean any debris of the tooth under running water, then make sure you replace your tooth in your mouth (or in milk if it is too sore) and ensure a dental professional can ensure that the tooth is correctly positioned and stabilised. We will always try to accomodate you as soon as possible if you’re unfortunate to be suffering from a toothache or broken tooth - give us a call to ensure we can attend to you quickly.
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